Impingement Syndrome and SIRVA


Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (“SIRVA”) is a recognized vaccine injury.  SIRVA symptoms typically include pain at or around the site of vaccination, limited range of motion and associated weakness.  SIRVA can encompass a number of specific diagnoses, including impingement syndrome of the shoulder, adhesive capsulitis, rotator cuff tear, and bursitis.  Understanding these conditions may help determine whether you have suffered SIRVA and may have a potential claim in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.


Impingement syndrome occurs when there is the impingement or compression of the connective tissue or bursa in the shoulder area.[1]  The impingement causes pain and difficulty with specific motions, most commonly with reaching the impacted arm up or behind the back.  Repetitious motion that triggers impingement frequently aggravates pain.  For this reason, individuals may feel increased pain with use of the affected arm.  Impingement syndrome may lead to, or be associated with, a rotator cuff tear.  Over time, the impingement can cause weakness of the upper arm.


Clinical examination and MRI testing are helpful in making a diagnosis of impingement syndrome.  Additionally, x-ray imaging may be useful to rule out arthritis as an alternative cause.  Treatment for impingement syndrome may involve over-the-counter and prescription medication, physical therapy, rest, heat and ice therapy and steroid injection.

For more information about SIRVA, please see our information page.  Please contact us here for a free consultation.

[1] From the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons:–conditions/shoulder-impingementrotator-cuff-tendinitis